Unlock the Book of Galatians: A Free 12 Lesson Bible Study for Deepening Your Faith

Are you looking for a free, in-depth study of the book of Galatians? My youth Sunday school class just finished a twelve-week study I wrote, and now I want to offer it to you! Whether your group is made up of seasoned Bible readers or those new to the Scriptures, studying Galatians can truly transform your participants’ understanding of grace, freedom, and the power of the gospel.
Download every lesson I created at the end of the post!
What to Expect in the Study
A lesson will take approximately 45 minutes and is divided inro three main sections: Focus, study, and apply.
FOCUS: Each lesson contains two introductory questions that lead to the study. Generally, I choose only one of these questions to answer, and when I am running behind on time, I skip this section.
STUDY: Most of the study sections begin with a review question. Since a letter is intended to be read all at once, the ideas flow into one another. Therefore, it is essential to review Paul’s thoughts from the week before. The rest of the questions cover every verse in the section and I added more context for the extra complicated verses. Bibleref.com is a site I frequented as I prepared the questions.
APPLY: I give my group the option of choosing which of the three application questions they would like to answer. After I give them a moment to collect their thoughts, I ask for a minimum of 4 people to share which question they chose and how they answered it, OR, if there is enough time, I have everyone share.
Conclusion: Experience the Freedom of the Gospel
Your group will learn that the book of Galatians is more than just learning about something that happened in the past—it’s about experiencing the freedom and grace that Christ offers today.