Rooted in Christ: 10 Bible Study Lessons from the book of Colossians

Are you ready to dive deeper into the transformative message of Colossians? Whether you’re studying alone or with a small group, this Bible study is designed to help you explore the richness of Paul’s letter to the Colossians in a meaningful way. With thought-provoking questions and insights, this study will guide you through the powerful themes of faith, hope, and Christ’s supremacy.
Ready to get started?
Download your free Colossians Bible study at the end of this post!
What Can I Expect?
Each session takes about 45 minutes, making it perfect for group discussion or personal reflection.
FOCUS: Each lesson contains two introductory questions that lead to the study. Generally, I choose only one of these questions to answer, and when I am running behind on time, I skip this section.
STUDY: For most of the study portion, there are eight questions, but within one question, there are several follow-up questions. As a teacher or Bible study facilitator, you should review all the questions beforehand for the following reasons: One, so that you understand the question’s intent and can re-word it if needed for your group, and two, so that if you are running low on time, you can skip to what you feel are the more vital questions for that lesson.
APPLY: For the application section, I give my group the option of choosing which of the three application questions they would like to answer. After I give them a moment to collect their thoughts, I ask for a minimum of 4 people to share which question they chose and how they answered it, OR, if there is enough time, I have everyone share.
ACTIVITY: Each lesson includes an optional activity specific to that lesson. These activities can be done before or after the lesson and help make the study more meaningful for each participant.
Conclusion: Living Out the Truths of Colossians
As you explore Paul’s powerful teachings on faith, hope, and the supremacy of Christ, you’ll not only gain a greater understanding of Scripture, but also be challenged to live out its truths in your everyday life. Whether you’re reflecting individually or discussing with a group, this study offers valuable insights and practical applications that will transform the way you live out your faith.
So, are you ready to be rooted in Christ?