Why is surrendering so hard?
I have found that sometimes God has to use radical and supernatural methods to gain our attention back to Him to once again walk in freedom from sin.
If you are struggling to “let go and let God,” continue reading.
I hope you will find encouragement through my story.
God always offers a way out from the slavery of sin.
God Guides Our Prayers
For our first 4 years of marriage, my husband and I lived in the city where we met. We enjoyed where we lived, but my husband had been feeling complacent with where he was at. Through a series of events, a childhood friend of his shared a job opportunity near his little home town. We were not intentionally seeking new opportunities. Even though I was delighted with my job and life I had, and I knew my husband getting this particular job meant we would need to move, I began praying for him to be hired. I believe it was the Holy Spirit in me, guiding me to pray this way.
Selfishness Plagues our Joy
The irony of the situation is that when God answered the prayer, and my husband was offered the new job, which meant we would move, I became worried about what this change would mean for me. I loved my job and community and was completely unsure of what career path I was to pursue, especially in a small town.
When we moved, we were blessed with finding a sweet little home and were welcomed into a beautiful and thriving local church. As the people of the church were seeking to get to know me, they would ask me questions like, “what are you planning on doing?” Unfortunately, this sweet gesture of getting to know me only lead me to weep in private because I was embarrassed by the answer of, “I’m not sure yet.” Much of my identity was wrapped up in having a job.
For about three months, I was without employment, and for about three months (and then some) I would weep at home. Finally, I was given a job as a caseworker at a school in a town 45 minutes away. However, even with a career, I still wept often.
Breaking Point
About a month into my new work position, four months into our move, I was still upset. On one of my long drives to work, I remember listing out my grievances to God. I was tired of having to learn a new job, of having to build new friendships and new relationships with my new church family, and I was even tired of my sweet new home. As I listed these complaints, I began to realize everything I was tired of were blessings from God. I was basically saying to God, I want my old blessings that I was comfortable with and not any of these new ones He had given me.
The Release from Sin Through the Act of Surrendering
During that drive, God spoke to me through a vision. Planted firmly on my wrists were heavy shackles placed on me like a prisoner; I felt bound by their weight. I realized quickly that the chains were placed on me by me. The chains consisted of my frustration, my grief, and ultimately my “I don’t want what you have for me,” and “I know better than you,” mentality I had towards God. In that moment of realization, the Spirit in me told me to surrender. I knew I had to verbally say out loud, “I give this to you, God.” As the words left my mouth and tears streamed my face, I felt immediate freedom and I saw the chains being lifted to heaven.
In that moment I physically and spiritually experienced a release from the bondage of my chains.
I wish I could say everything was happy and pleasant from that moment on. I still struggled with complaining and adjusting. However, there was a new found freedom I had. God was redeeming my selfishness. I look back at that season and mourn the wasted time I spent in self-pity and not living for the kingdom in complete freedom.
Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me of this and teaching me from this moment. You are forever good to me. You are my redeemer.
You Can Surrender Too
If you are in a similar situation of feeling held down by the weight of sin, remember God will always offer a way out. Trust Him. He can handle any amount of pain, suffering, or hardships you are trying to hold on to yourself. You are meant for freedom; now walk in it.
Reflect and Connect
What does surrendering look like in your life?
How has God helped you to surrender in the past/present?
Is there something you need to surrender to Him today and fully embrace the freedom found in Christ?